As children enter this stage of development they begin to show signs of emerging independence. This period of growth also involves actively seeking and developing friendships. While parents continue to be the most important people in their lives, relationships with peers become increasingly important. Having a “best friend” is considered a universal trait of the school age years.
Other important characteristics of this developmental stage include self-regulation skills which consist of the child’s ability to control urges, regulate strong emotions & feelings and behave in an age-appropriate manner without direct adult supervision.

Signs that your child may need psychological therapy include:
- Stress, anxiety
- Expressing a lot of worries
- Changes in mood
- Self-destructive behaviours
- Fear of specific situations
- Decreased self-esteem
- Changes in eating or sleeping patterns
- Occasional wetting or soiling themselves
- A decrease in academic performance or focus
- Changes in social interactions
- Separation Fears
- Refusing to try new activities
- Nail biting, stuttering, grinding teeth, picking at skin
- Aggression or anti-social behaviour
- Reacting out of proportion to the situation or event
- Regression of behaviour to a younger developmental stage
- Tantrums/aggression/non-compliant behaviour
- School Refusal