Ages 12-14

Early Adolescence

In early adolescence the child’s world expands and becomes much bigger. They seek increased independence and may question or challenge family rules. Adolescents are experiencing many new changes during this stage. They are experimenting with making their own decisions and doing things on their own. Friends become increasingly more important and they often begin to confide in peers rather than parents. A strong need to fit in exerts peer pressure to behave in ways that are similar to others and may be in conflict with family morals and values.

Ages 15-18


Later adolescence is the last step before entering adulthood. One of the main characteristics of this stage is that the young adult has to make his or her own decisions. As a parent you want your teen to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes but you also want them to be open to advice so they can benefit from your experience. However, they independently want to experience things for themselves and learn from natural consequences to their behaviour. They tend to rely more on peers for support rather than parents. During the process of figuring out who they are and the type of person they wish to become, teenagers may deviate from the values they have been taught growing up, at least for a period of time.

The teenage years include many physical, emotional and social struggles so navigating the teenage roller coaster can be really difficult. Teens can experience various emotions on a daily basis.

Some of these may include:

Signs that your adolescent or young adult may need psychological therapy include:

Click on your child's age group to learn more about how we can help

Early Childhood

Ages (3-5)

Early Childhood

Ages (3-5)

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Middle Childhood

Ages (6-11)

Middle Childhood

Ages (6-11)

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Early Adolescence

Ages (12-14)

Early Adolescence

Ages (14-14)

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Ages (15-18)


Ages (15-18)

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